Ph 0741 531 300
Linden Medical Centre
Linden Medical Centre is the oldest established general medical practice in Bundaberg, having been operating in the same building since 1913.
Our aim is to provide our patients with the best medical care, delivered in a professional manner, in comfortable surroundings.
Linden Medical Centre is an accredited medical practice having met the standards as set by AGPAL (Australian General Practice Accreditation Ltd & Quality Practice Pty Ltd) We aim to provide our patients with the best quality medical care delivered in a professional manner in comfortable surroundings.
Making appointments
This medical centre runs on an appointment system. Please telephone the surgery in advance to make an appointment. If your problem is urgent please let the receptionist know and you will be dealt with promptly. Appointments are made in 15 minute intervals however if you require a longer appointment please advise reception when booking.
Missed Appointments
Patients who fail to attend appointments or change appointments at short notice affect the availability of appointments for all patients. A $30 fee will be charged to patients who fail to attend their booked appointments. This fee can be wavered upon extenuating circumstances. Please give consideration to the other patients of this practice and notify reception immediately if you are unable to attend a booked appointment. In accordance with the policy of Linden Medical Centre, if any patient fails to attend two appointments (or cancel the appointments within 24 hours), without good reason, he/she may be refused further service at this surgery.

Reminder Systems
This practice uses a computerised reminder system to provide systematic preventative care and early case detection. We will send you a reminder for papsmears, immunisations, care plan reviews and chronic disease management review etc.
Test Results
Please discuss arrangements for obtaining results with your doctor during your consultation. This practice feels it is important that you, the patient take responsibility for ensuring you obtain the results of any tests ordered by your Doctor. Please do not accept that the results are normal if you have not heard from us.
Telephone Advice
Telephone advice is available from the nursing staff at the clinic at all times. Requests to speak to a Doctor may not be possible if the doctor is in consultation unless associated with an emergency. You may either prefer to ring back or office staff will take a message and the call returned by the Doctor when time permits.
Private Hospital Admissions Gap Cover
All insured patients admitted to either of the local private hospitals under Linden Medical Centre Doctors management will be charged the 'No Gap Cover' directly to their insurer. This is to ensure no 'out of pocket' expenses are incurred (under our management) unless advised otherwise prior to admission to hospital.
Repeat prescriptions
Repeat prescriptions for regularly prescribed medications are available at the discretion of the doctor at a charge of $10.00 and 24 hours notice must be given for each request. If the requesting patient has not attended the surgery within the last 6 months, they will be required to attend a consultation before a prescription is provided. Attendance may also be required for authority prescriptions or restricted medications.
Please do not hesitate to ask our team to order a taxi from the surgery should you require one.
Patient Feedback & Complaints
We want you to be happy with the service that we provide. If for any reason you are unhappy with any aspect of our service, please discuss this with your doctor or contact the practice manager. All attempts will be made to rectify any problems that you may have.
This practice abides by the Australian Medical Association (AMA) Code of Ethics.
If you feel there is a concern you wish to take up outside of this practice, you may prefer to contact the Office of the Health Ombudsman on 133 646.